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The Next Big Thing in Climbing: Home Walls

at home climbing walls

Every avid climber knows how satisfying it is to climb a wall. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic and anti-epidemic measures, it is becoming more difficult for many athletes, amateurs and professionals, to perform their favorite sport. Fortunately, there is a solution for all climbing enthusiasts – the at home climbing wall is gaining popularity and is about to become a wonderful way to keep fit, try new climbing techniques and teach your children to climb. Here’s what else you need to know about home climbing walls:

What is it?

Most home climbing walls are do-it-yourself projects. They range from massive backyard installations that look like small boulder gyms to single 4’x8 ′ panels mounted at an angle in the living rooms of avid climbers. Holds are often made of wood, stones, and elemental resins. Thus, the result is a mini climbing wall that you can climb any time you want.

Benefits of at home climbing wall

If you are an avid climber, but you are still wondering if it is a good idea to install a climbing wall in your home, these 5 benefits will convince you:

• You can climb at any time and keep fit even when you can’t leave your home;

• You save the time you would spend driving to the climbing hall and back. You save money too;

• You can adjust your route according to your wishes;

• You can practice different climbing techniques and improve your current ones;

• You will have fun with the whole family. The climbing wall at home is suitable for both adults and children.

Why do you need a wall for climbing at home?

Home walls are often associated with strength work and training of specific movements. It’s all about symmetrical, tendon-friendly repetition to become stronger and make the movements you want with ease. The difference between professional climbing walls and the ones at home is that when you climb at home, you have to do everything yourself and you don’t have a professional to monitor your movements.

On the other hand, the home climbing wall is smaller and safer, allowing you to climb while having fun with friends or letting the kids climb without worrying about them getting hurt. It is important to find a design that meets your needs and requirements. And, if you’re wondering, build a climbing wall to allow all kinds of climbing fun, not just 45 ° system board training.

If you are already sure that you want to turn your home into a climbing oasis and build the at home climbing wall in the living room, yard, and even your basement, do not hesitate to contact us. We at Holds and Walls will take care of building the wall you imagine and providing the necessary holds to create fun and challenging climbing routes for yourself or your children.



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