Here are the muscle groups that are trained during climbing!

If you are one of those avid climbers, then your body will be grateful for a long time! Climbing is one of the most intense physical activities you can participate in, and it also provides a handful of mental health benefits.

Climbing is one of the most physically intense activities you can do. With it, you use your strength to lift your body from the wall. And your whole body works during that time. Whether you are newly climber or you are a sworn climber, you know that all your muscles are involved.

When you climb regularly, you begin to notice significant development of several muscles. This way you can see how climbing trains your whole body and keeps you in shape. Here are the muscles that develop best during climbing.

Back and shoulder muscles

Your lats are the main muscles used to lengthen your shoulders. These muscles are located on the side of the back and attach to the humerus. When you pull up and down the climbing wall, your lats are responsible for lifting your whole body. And although they are the most important back muscles when it comes to climbing, the rest of your back also works all the time. Climbing engages your rhomboids, trapezoids, and anterior deltoids.


When you climb, your hands and fingers carry your entire body weight as you use your grip to climb up. The muscles responsible for gripping and holding are located in your forearm. The flexors carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor carpi radialis, flexor pollicis longus, and flexor digitorum coordinate to give you the power to grip and lift. They are all located in your forearm, which makes climbing a super-challenging workout for those muscles that are not trained in other conventional exercises such as running.


Do you want well-shaped biceps? Climbing will help you get them. During climbing, your biceps will be subjected to a serious load, as they help to lift the body. However, if you are not careful and climb incorrectly, your biceps may be overloaded and you may even feel pain.


We just said that if you are not careful when climbing, your biceps can get tired, right? Well, there is a solution for this, which involves the abdominal muscles. Your abdomen plays a key role in maintaining balance when climbing to help other muscles in the body. The abdomen acts as a stabilizer and remains in an isometric contraction to keep the pelvis in line with the chest. This will help you withstand the enormous strain on your own body, and will help prevent injury.


If you climb, you don’t need any leg training. Climbing is guaranteed to make them healthier, stronger, and fitter. Your quadrangles, inner thighs, and calves will work hardest as you climb to the top.

So, once you know which muscles you are exercising while climbing, it is important to know that proper technique is very important if you want to keep your body in shape. This means that you need to do it with an instructor when you start to learn the proper climbing technique. Doing so will provide you with everything you need to climb with pleasure and be in shape.

Climbing Techniques for Beginners. What You Need to know when you start climbing

Climbing techniques for beginners

Dо you know that to climb with ease you do not need strength, but skill? If you want to last longer on the climbing wall, get less tired and achieve more, you need to know the basic climbing techniques.

Here are the most important techniques every climbing beginner should know.

Techniques involving the legs

The legs are the basis of climbing. Many beginners try to pull themselves up the wall with their hands and get tired quickly. To avoid this, think of climbing as a ladder – do not pull yourself up, but use your feet while balancing with your hands.

The main techniques for using the legs are edging and smearing:

Edging is exactly what it sounds like: You step and hold on to the edge of your shoe. You can use the inner edge, where your thumb offers stability in smaller holds, or you can use the outer edge. Your choice depends on the direction you need to go to get in or out of the hold.

Smearing occurs when you don’t have actual support, so you rely on the rubber of your friction shoe against the wall.

When climbing, keep in mind the following tricks:

  • Try to keep your feet just below you.
  • After stepping on your foot, keep it still. You will have a better chance of staying in this position while considering your next move.
  • Keep your heel low to have more contact with the wall.

Balance techniques

When the route is easier and leads straight up, climbing is quite intuitive. When you have a route where you have to move and pull in different directions, you have to use your body to maintain balance.

When you need to hold a handle that is on the sides, pulling straight down is not recommended. In this case, you need to find a way to maintain balance so that you do not lose your balance.

How to maintain balance?

• Press your foot in the opposite direction of the download to create a counteraction;

• Pull in the opposite direction with your other hand or hooked leg;

• Lean hard and use your weight as a counterweight.

Efficiency techniques

If you want to get less tired while climbing and recover faster afterward, you can achieve this using the following techniques:

Keep your arms straight. Upright arms allow the skeleton to take most of the weight. This calms the muscles. Even a slight bend in the elbow means that the muscles work to keep it there.

Focus on your hips. Beginners often keep their hips square to the wall, which may seem very stable, but it puts a lot of strain on your muscles.

Try to keep one hip pressed up against the wall. This helps keep your weight above your feet and allows you to move forward with your arms straight.

Having a hip close to the wall brings your shoulder close too. Thus, the entire weight is in line with the legs, which reduces your chances of detaching from the wall and falling. The closed arm also changes the pulling angle of the handles, making it easier to grip.

Good climbers climb with their eyes. Keep an eye on the wall to look for holds that allow you to rest quickly. Don’t just focus on the markings.

When you find a good place to rest, use it. Allow your heart rate to slow down and then continue climbing.

If you want to become a better climber, you need to improve your technique and movement. And the best way to do this is to climb whenever you can (you achieve this is with an at home climbing wall). Learn the principles of movement and balance, and you will notice how you progress fast and get tired more slowly.

Climbing for beginners – what you need to know If you are a first-time climber

Indoor climbing. One of the most interesting and most famous activities for children and adults. Climbing not only helps you stay in shape and move (especially suitable for the winter months), it also helps you develop your concentration and coordination. If you’ve only heard of indoor climbing, if you have acquaintances who climb regularly, if you want to try it yourself, here are some things about this sport that are important to know:

What is indoor climbing?

As you might expect, indoor climbing is born from outdoor climbing. It is designed so that professional climbers can train specific movements even when the weather is bad and during the winter months. Today, this sport can be practiced by anyone, regardless of gender, age and physical appearance, and the gyms that offer climbing walls are more than ever. The main goal of the activity is to climb to the top of the wall without falling (although even if you fall, you will be held back by ropes). And if you’re wondering where the fun of climbing is, we give you an answer right away. The team of routers in the climbing hall creates the climbing route in such a way that every time you climb you face different challenges on your way to the top. Climbing routes are color-coded, and to climb a route, you have to use only holds belonging to that color.

Of course, this is not mandatory. It’s always a good idea to climb in a rainbow style, using whatever color you like.

Is indoor climbing safe?

Now that you know what indoor climbing is, it’s time for the biggest question everyone asks: is it safe? Although climbing is known for its extremity, the answer is yes.

Accidents happen and (as in many sports) climbing can cause injuries caused by overwork. But generally speaking, indoor climbing is actually safer than many other sports. Indoor climbing gyms are designed to eliminate external influences such as falling rocks, rain, and wind while providing protection systems so that you can climb safely without worrying about your health. After all, the biggest risk is in your hands. Every climber should make sure they feel comfortable with the systems and feel safe on the wall. As long as this is true, the risk of indoor climbing injuries can be minimized.

Types of indoor climbing


This is a type of climbing that occurs significantly close to the ground. The bouldering walls are between 8 and 15 feet high, and there are thick pads on the floor to cushion the impact if you fall.


The walls of Toproping are high enough and this type of climbing requires more than just protection pads. Instead, climbers are protected with ropes that prevent them from falling off the wall. The rope begins to wrap around a beam at the top of the wall, with both ends hanging down to the ground. In most cases, this type of climbing requires a partner.

Lead Climbing

If you’ve been to a larger climbing room, you may have seen a section of high wall where no ropes are hanging at the top. These walls are dedicated to Lead Climbing. Unlike toproping, in this type of climbing the rope starts at the bottom of the climb. The climber ties as usual, but in this case, he has to attach his rope to convenient points located in strategic places on the wall.

If the climber falls, the rope attached to the last point will protect him from hitting the ground.

What climbing equipment do I need?

If you are a beginner, you need minimal equipment to bring from home. All climbing gyms have the necessary equipment that you can rent. It is enough for you to start. If you start climbing regularly, you will be able to see what equipment you need and then you can buy your own if you like.

What to wear while climbing?

Whatever you want, as long as you can move freely. Climbing requires a wide range of motion on both your arms and legs, so wear clothes that allow you to move freely and are elastic enough. It is also possible to sweat. Climbing halls are usually well ventilated, but it is worth wearing clothes in which you can sweat. Clothes that you would wear for other sports activities will do just as well when climbing.

Indoor climbing is an amazing sport that can be interesting and varied every time you enter the gym. Therefore, if you want to diversify your sports activities with something interesting, exciting and fun, climbing is a great solution!